Not all children function at class level

You might be thinking that the work you see your children do is too easy or too hard.

The secret is understanding your child’s functioning work level, then matching the most suitable materials.

How can you assess this?


Rate these areas of performance by giving points from 1 to 5 to gain a picture of your child.

  1. Reading competently with speed, accuracy and expression.

  2. Following written instructions with 95% accuracy.

  3. Speeding up with class work and managing time

  4. Working independently, being organised and managing with success.

  5. Writing, speaking and listening with assurance.


What do your results show?

Scores 1 to 12: Your child needs patience, step-by-step instructions, time to develop, and materials that match his/her ability at a younger than current class level.

Scores 13 to 20: Your child is managing at class level and needs materials for that grade that will reinforce class learning.

Scores 20 to 25: Your child needs to master class level work and be challenged by some extension materials.

Remember, for every child, the work should be not too easy and not too hard; it should be just right!