Is Your Child Ready for Starting School?

Most 4-5 year olds will be anticipating going to ‘big school’ soon. Most of you with 4-5 year olds, are probably concerned about your child’s readiness for formal education.

Here are some quick ways of identifying your child’s current abilities.

If you can tick a ‘yes’ to all or most of these skills, your child is on track to succeed in Kindergarten.


  • writes own name

  • tells a story from pictures

  • shares reading with you

  • recognises common signs when out and about

  • retells familiar stories

  • gives an opinion about stories

  • links stories with personal experiences


  • hears the same letter sound in two words example: cat, call

  • knows some letter names example: A,B,C,

  • repeats familiar verses, rhymes and jingles

  • notices rhyming words in verses and songs


  • answers questions

  • understands instructions

  • has a conversation

  • retells personal experiences

  • speaks fluently

  • uses words well

  • uses topic words about topics of interest


  • scribbles

  • writes own name

  • holds pencils and crayons


Pack your school bag and good luck! All will work out well.


















Most 4-5 year olds will be anticipating going to ‘big school’ soon. Most of you with 4-5 year olds, are probably concerned about your child’s readiness for formal education.


Here are some quick ways of identifying your child’s current abilities. If you can tick a ‘yes’ to all or most of these skills, your child is on track to succeed in Kindergarten.




. writes own name

. tells a story from pictures

. shares reading with you

. recognises common signs when out and about

. retells familiar stories

. gives an opinion about stories

. links stories with personal experiences




. hears the same letter sound in two words example: cat, call

. knows some letter names example: A,B,C,

. repeats familiar verses, rhymes and jingles

. notices rhyming words in verses and songs




. answers questions

. understands instructions

. has a conversation

. retells personal experiences

. speaks fluently

. uses words well

. uses topic words about topics of interest




. scribbles

. writes own name

. holds pencils and crayons


Pack your school bag and good luck! All will work out well.